Choose to be a victim
So the story goes like this, a certain Mr.A robs, shoots, rapes, kills..pause...BLANK
Behind the scenes..
"DAD'S HOME YAAAY!" runs 5 year old kid to embrace the loving father, with mom excitedly lifting her gaze from the soggy vegetables cooking in the rusty pan to follow that with a wistful, anxious regard..
"i did what i had to do..for us ..for the kid"..
"Arrest of ..killer....on attempting murder of...pregnant wo.. "
frantic cries heard at a distance masked by the commotion.
Stereotypical indeed..Movie dramatizes the culprits' life to be a life of misery, rejection,and a lifelong struggle to survive which is so true to the extent u end up sympathizing with the killer, having ur hopes and emotions embroiled in a constant anxiety supporting the evil( who is really good on the inside) vs.the good (who we really dont give a damn about right now...theyve been good and happy for too long its ok if they die unnoticed in the script)
Now dont get me wrong, im not pointing a finger of blame to anyone of the above.Without a single shadow of doubt i do sympathise as well as comprehend the lengths poverty and need might drive one, what i oppose to is the reaction to the circumstances one has to face..Then again, passive enough to merely put ones mind at ease with the excuses for delinquency, theres no progress done in our social structure..worse still, we even pave the way for more crime and chaos for fractional change of mentality instead of constructively and concisely reforming.Work on social, behavioral and belief education for a change..( needless to say by mentioning belief education i am referring to profound, pure radicalism, no pretence which r a direct outcome of ignorance...hence me not using the word"religious" when i want to, for globalization purposes since even atheists should abide by their beliefs in human ethics and morality)..
reality check: we are still superior to animals..we could still make it thru without the "survival of the fittest evolution theory"
"Victim"no.2:Fuelling Rage.. ACTION
M has absolutely no clue what this life is for.Being a spoilt brat all his life he satisfies his whims with the luxury which he distastefully takes for granted.Then one day it strikes him.."My friend..ur going to hell..if u dont do something about ur propsoterous and reckless ways ull roast in hell!", hisses a class mate in his ear inbetween sessions.
Months go by and M cant shake the words his classmate whispered at any cost.Battling to hinder that thought he fluctuates amid phases of contemplation of life's ultimate secret vs. going to extremes of unleashed savagery to escape in the vast wilderness of repression.
Striving to extract threads of understanding from his surrounding acquaintances, he finds his efforts in vain and mockery which fuel his resentment and rage..
BAMM! 6th terrorist attack in a row..religious organization sends one more suicide bomber who kills 60 innocent civilians while they were going about their daily chores...BLANK .."Its ok , im finally going to heaven" NOT!
victim of his own ignorance? well him reaching that level of ignorance is his fault in the first place..cerebrum usually urges u to read and think and discuss ur actions ..especially when they go totally against the humanitarian instincts God has implanted within ur soul..when u tell them to shut up..ur most likely to be the wrongdoer here.
Victim of Amouuuurrrrrr..looool
S is soo in love with in love she'd just give him anything.Her heart, her time, her virtue, and if thats not precious enough already..precedes to her car, her money .......her dads money , her dads car and so forth..K gives her the cold shoulder just to keep her on the edge every now n then..just to tighten the grasp over her vulnerable position..(note:this is one of plenty true stories so dont be alarmed by the amount of ridicule that can posess a fellow human being..not to mention cruelty at the other end of the rope)
"S, u know i want to see u happy, hes not right for u, u could do without him..without this crappy life!"
S:"i know, but im overcome by a power stronger than any reasoning, its the power of love"
AAAHH BULLSHIT! (sorry lol just couldnt contain myself hehe) that uve mentioned it..can anyone define true love?
I know i cant but i definitely know its not that! i also know this..its a feeling that pushes u u positive and productive euphoric energy and still levels with reasoning in a peaceful "modus vivendi"..thinks me(shrugs) victim? i totally disagree..i somehow fail to pity miss stupidity here.
The bottom line is ladies and gentlemen..ONLY WE make the society.WE make the circumstances yield to our favor.WE make the excuses and WE could work out the solutions.Its as pathetic as me not practising what i preach, as someone intelletcually sinning who unexcusabley knows whats right and goes against his beliefs anyhow..a buddhist who pleads for war..a muslim who fears not the gravity of major sins , chastisment and God's consternation.If the human mind could reach such hideous extents of chaos, we sure wouldnt expect our fellow wolves fix the damage for us.Its high time we broke the cycle of deterioration.We are our own victims..because We choose to be...