Sunday, May 28, 2006

Choose to be a victim

Victim of society..victim of circumstances..victim of lust..victim of greed..victim of oppression..victim of power..victim of traffic..politics..temptation.oh heres my favorite:victim of love lol..i could go on forever, but how many times have we mentioned the word culprit again?None, why should we..wer always right.CUT

So the story goes like this, a certain Mr.A robs, shoots, rapes, kills..pause...BLANK

Behind the scenes..
"DAD'S HOME YAAAY!" runs 5 year old kid to embrace the loving father, with mom excitedly lifting her gaze from the soggy vegetables cooking in the rusty pan to follow that with a wistful, anxious regard..
"i did what i had to do..for us ..for the kid"..
"Arrest of ..killer....on attempting murder of...pregnant wo.. "
frantic cries heard at a distance masked by the commotion.
Stereotypical indeed..Movie dramatizes the culprits' life to be a life of misery, rejection,and a lifelong struggle to survive which is so true to the extent u end up sympathizing with the killer, having ur hopes and emotions embroiled in a constant anxiety supporting the evil( who is really good on the inside) vs.the good (who we really dont give a damn about right now...theyve been good and happy for too long its ok if they die unnoticed in the script)
Now dont get me wrong, im not pointing a finger of blame to anyone of the above.Without a single shadow of doubt i do sympathise as well as comprehend the lengths poverty and need might drive one, what i oppose to is the reaction to the circumstances one has to face..Then again, passive enough to merely put ones mind at ease with the excuses for delinquency, theres no progress done in our social structure..worse still, we even pave the way for more crime and chaos for fractional change of mentality instead of constructively and concisely reforming.Work on social, behavioral and belief education for a change..( needless to say by mentioning belief education i am referring to profound, pure radicalism, no pretence which r a direct outcome of ignorance...hence me not using the word"religious" when i want to, for globalization purposes since even atheists should abide by their beliefs in human ethics and morality)..
reality check: we are still superior to animals..we could still make it thru without the "survival of the fittest evolution theory"

"Victim"no.2:Fuelling Rage.. ACTION

M has absolutely no clue what this life is for.Being a spoilt brat all his life he satisfies his whims with the luxury which he distastefully takes for granted.Then one day it strikes him.."My friend..ur going to hell..if u dont do something about ur propsoterous and reckless ways ull roast in hell!", hisses a class mate in his ear inbetween sessions.

Months go by and M cant shake the words his classmate whispered at any cost.Battling to hinder that thought he fluctuates amid phases of contemplation of life's ultimate secret vs. going to extremes of unleashed savagery to escape in the vast wilderness of repression.

Striving to extract threads of understanding from his surrounding acquaintances, he finds his efforts in vain and mockery which fuel his resentment and rage..

BAMM! 6th terrorist attack in a row..religious organization sends one more suicide bomber who kills 60 innocent civilians while they were going about their daily chores...BLANK .."Its ok , im finally going to heaven" NOT!

victim of his own ignorance? well him reaching that level of ignorance is his fault in the first place..cerebrum usually urges u to read and think and discuss ur actions ..especially when they go totally against the humanitarian instincts God has implanted within ur soul..when u tell them to shut up..ur most likely to be the wrongdoer here.

Victim of Amouuuurrrrrr..looool

S is soo in love with in love she'd just give him anything.Her heart, her time, her virtue, and if thats not precious enough already..precedes to her car, her money .......her dads money , her dads car and so forth..K gives her the cold shoulder just to keep her on the edge every now n then..just to tighten the grasp over her vulnerable position..(note:this is one of plenty true stories so dont be alarmed by the amount of ridicule that can posess a fellow human being..not to mention cruelty at the other end of the rope)

"S, u know i want to see u happy, hes not right for u, u could do without him..without this crappy life!"

S:"i know, but im overcome by a power stronger than any reasoning, its the power of love"

AAAHH BULLSHIT! (sorry lol just couldnt contain myself hehe) that uve mentioned it..can anyone define true love?

I know i cant but i definitely know its not that! i also know this..its a feeling that pushes u u positive and productive euphoric energy and still levels with reasoning in a peaceful "modus vivendi"..thinks me(shrugs) victim? i totally disagree..i somehow fail to pity miss stupidity here.

The bottom line is ladies and gentlemen..ONLY WE make the society.WE make the circumstances yield to our favor.WE make the excuses and WE could work out the solutions.Its as pathetic as me not practising what i preach, as someone intelletcually sinning who unexcusabley knows whats right and goes against his beliefs anyhow..a buddhist who pleads for war..a muslim who fears not the gravity of major sins , chastisment and God's consternation.If the human mind could reach such hideous extents of chaos, we sure wouldnt expect our fellow wolves fix the damage for us.Its high time we broke the cycle of deterioration.We are our own victims..because We choose to be...

Friday, May 26, 2006

"Too much sarcasm is a turn off" ..lool

My bro picked that line up from this book he read.No wonder we're still single Aya !loollingg..Looks like we'll still be for the coming decade or two ..don't worry gurl, we've got eachother to pester(snickers)
So me and Aya ( "best bud ever", serious tone) make a pact:
  1. less sarcasm
  2. Diminishing the "making fun of imbeciles" activity up to 80%
  3. Being nice to people( all shapes and sizes)
  4. And buy a telescope and study astronomy..but thats totally irrelevant now.
  5. No more gossip..absolutely nada..(eeek)

Now that that plan didnt last more than a couple of seconds, we decided to go easy on ourselves:

  1. Sarcasm is ok as long as its only circumstancial
  2. We r allowed only 50 nasty comments per day..which should be narrowed down to 20 by the end of that month and eventually to nil..(utopia)
  3. Telescopes gotta go! kiddin..found it too expensive at the time so i decided i should give up my passion for space.
  4. Only gossip about ppl we don't know (does that make any sense to anyone?)

That worked out for a brief period, but then things got nastier and nastier, the moment i set foot in uni i knew this was a killer bet.

U see, sometimes sarcasm is good:) it helps u surpass a constellation of wicked circumstances that, if taken seriously would gobble u up in one mouthfull..and other times, lets face it..wer just being mean:)

p.s.promised myself id be good..unis almost over..that should do the trick;)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Today's Special:fresh new crap only 20L.E

Location:UNI duuuh..
Clincal Exam Day...
8:00 a.m..waiting in herds infront of the secretary's office carrying a bag packed with a 19th century sphygmomanometer(blood pressure measuring thingy) a thermometer, a medical hammer, a cheap stethoscope, a crumpled white coat begging for air which i somehow never got to use, except for anatomy and biochemistry classes:) and finally salt, coffee and sugar..yep u heard me:) its basicly to test the patient's neurological potency yet it urges u to stop and wonder why they wouldnt provide the examination "ingredients" instead of having at least 250 students carrying all sorts of groceries around along with the antique medical stuff.

"NUMBERS 1130 to 1150!!! MOVE IT!" ,screams the plump vicious secretary holding out a barely readable scrap paper with the numbers of the about human rights lol its like calling out for prisoners at lunch least theyve got something to be punished for.Plumpy woman charges an extra 20 to 30 L.E "for the patients' "pourboire" ..and no we dont get to take the test over dummies, no pretence either we're talking real live patients with real diseases..we came up with the split conclusion that its much more cost-effective for both sides.

Now that phase 1 is over with, we now enter phase 2: the barn.The previously mentioned figure enters the stinky room which God knows whatever it was and wait..theres usually not enough space so u see candidates strolling around the balconies, revision notes in hand.freaking out at any stupid joke which may subtley refer to the so called exam.its sad to see how depreciation progressed to utter vandalism to this once upon a time exquisite palace donated by the owner to the government with the purpose of upraising the health care in the land..i will one day post pics of the outpatient clinics( formerly a horse stable)..interesting. uh oh im next..

Phase 3:History taking:
Me: Alsalamo 3alaykom
Patient:we 3alykom el salam doctor (yea right)
Me:Name, Age, u smoke?
Patient: No way Thank God i quit
Me:thats great, how long have u been doing without a smoke?
Patient: 3 days..or was it 2?whos counting anyway..
Me:*sighs*so what seems to be the problem here?
Patient:no problem at all..ive no idea why they got me here im feeling great (lie)
(common misconception in low educational classes that illness is a disgrace to the individual)
ill tell u what..u offer me a "tea" and ill give u all u need to know. (of course, for those of u who r non-egyptian, "tea" is a common synonym of tip)
Me: (playing along) whatve u got
Patient:(in those exact words) Double mitral valve lesion, chronic bronchitis and right sided heart failure with hepatosplenomegaly..u might as well examine the chest only and i wont mention i have any abdominal problems..the questions could be quite tricky there ive seen doctors tortured before, dont worry ive got ur back..
patients in Egypt who turn to public health care are almost always very poor or have no other choice since its a free service..hence they usually dont speak english..let alone be acquainted with medical terminology..somehow i just didnt bother to ask..

So the doctor finally arrives after a copious breakfast with fellow examiners ..slowly closing in on his prey(which would be me in this context)and asks.."whatve u got"?
Me:spills out info like a 3rd year old telling on his older 5 yr old brother for doing something ridiculous..
Doctor:so howd u find out?
Me:(retarded) patient told me
patient kicks me in the shin
Me thinking: oh yeah ? no"tea" for u!
Doctor: alright, tell me all u know about hemiplegia ( totally out of the blue)
Me:*answers but distracted by patient's hysterical laughter of vengeance*
Doctor dismisses me after a couple more theoretcial totally unrelated qs and im off..gruelling experience..feeling my insides being squeezed out adn much more dismay than before the exam.

So now u see what real doctors r missin on eh;)
ciao for now

Monday, May 22, 2006

Blind men can see

Its kinda late..i can't get much sleep these days and can't help but think there's more to it than just the couple of sips of revolting ground coffee i had during the past few days..bearing in mind being a med school student( as previously mentioned in detail:))my threshold for caffeine is quite high;)..however i've been getting this thought lately and as u couldve guessed from the title its about blindness.

Has it ocurred to anyone that blind people could indeed be living a much happier, serene and magical life than ours? I believe for sure they are chosen, gifted individuals but perhaps the fear of having to pity someone for being different or even being pitied is forming this barrier vs.their integration, at least in our society.

As sick as it may seem i did, on a desperate attempt to revive my long lost vivid imagination and recover a fraction of the peace of mind i used to enjoy did try to dismiss the fact that i could see and forced myself to walk around my house for hours..eyes wide shut.Of course, me still living with my family, had to wait till everyone was out..i couldnt afford being made fun of nor accused of being cruel..i just wanted to feel how it is to shield the atrocities and "ecoeurant"scenes of this world that we r so acclimatized to that they cease to surprise us anymore and to my surprise thoughts streamed to my head like a lightening bolt..i was connecting stuff in a new scope..was discovering truths about my inner self ive never had time to before..and that was purely because i could finally focus.

I learnt to discover there's a price for everything..not to mention that things we might find as a drawback according to our very limited human scale could seriously be something precious..we just never learn how to appreciate it..the equation will always be balanced..ull always get a complete slice of the cake saved for u..equal to the one given to anybody else in this universe..its just beyond ppls included

Majoring Crapology

Allow me to introduce myself, im a 22 yr old med school student in cairo uni.First of all, id like u guys to get this straight, the concept of studying medicine in Egypt is even more delusional than an upper egyptian beating NASA to Jupiter.Its like a cut throat competition to a mirage, once ur there u know u were a retard to go with the flow in the first place and end up stuck against a dead end..too late to turn back, too worn out to start over..not to mention ur totally oblivious to the fact u had rising potential and creativity that got lost somewhere along the course of events together with that atrophied part of ur cerebrum which once upon a time used to remind u u had a life.

Let us virtually enter the "university campus".Its all set out in an open plan..u get to walk miles from class to class which wouldve been quite amusing under extremely different circumstances void of pollution, cars, cars and much more cars..(yes uni is more of a parking lot that is quite far-fetched to stroll around without bumping into something or even get stuck in traffic jams right infront of the building u were meaning to go to for class..i remember a couple hundred times that happened to me..not a good feeling.uh uh)

Well it seriously aint that bad once u get used to it (lie), u somehow manage to get along with the fellow white-coated, prominent bellied bespeculated creatures strolling around with stethoscopes dangling around their double chins..How amazing to see how fast they replicate.and sweat..extremely puke-inducing but true..i wouldve posted pics but id rather not traumatize the readers:)

Did i mention they admit over 1800 so-called students a year?nope? probably shouldnt then..its quite a shocking figure though..multiply that by 7 years+staff enough they all have cars and struggle for a parking space every single day..whatever happened to car-pooling anyhow..and how old r we again? is it that exhausting to walk a couple of feet to class if we park elsewhere besides in the campus core? so that explains the parking lot theory and the healthy, beautifully sculpted figures we end up having throughout 7 yrs of bliss..

thats probably enough sarcasm for the day..though cant promise i wont be back for more bitter remarks lol..lataa

Sunday, May 21, 2006

DAY:1 absolutely clueless

Hy'all this is me..yep, day 1 in blogger land is freakin me out a bit..its kinda funny though, u feel like ur thinking out loud and have no clue whos at the other end listening to ur thoughts..reading them, comprehending them..or perhaps sharing them.Being a "novata" im not sure what ill be posting here since it was a friend's idea in the first place..maybe he found my thoughts enlightened..or too ridiculous that they had to be made public,:)all i could say is stay tuned, satisfaction guaranteed;) (poker face) lol