Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hearts bleed in agony and pray with faith
Justice will be served..in this life and very soon in the Next.


Blogger Tiny said...

Today is a sad day for all of us..God rest the souls of the children who went to bed but never had the chance to see another morning in Qana.

No tears can put off the bitterness I feel..but I pray.

9:18 AM  
Blogger Cleopatrina said...

atrocities as such will never pass unpunished..rest assured and keep praying.if its all we could do at the moment we might as well give it all we've got and have faith.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Cleopatrina said...

jokerman i totally agree
atrocities of any sort are considered a chastisment which will be brought to justice on the day of our eternal judgement, be it arab against arab, arab against non or non against arab.Its the action that counts not ur identity.Hostilities occur on every spot on the planet, i merely mentioned those happening in lebanon as the current events, and even more sadly because of how they wretchedly bring to life the feeble voices of truth, the yielding to power and not to justice as revealed by the UN and the rest of the world versus stark eye-blinding oppression

8:25 AM  
Blogger jokerman said...

"will be brought to justice on the day of our eternal judgement" since that solely God's right & not us humans, it is none of our business then.
But surely some of us must try to bring those who committed crimes against humanity to be tried in this life, but it's always only the culprits are non arab that everyone gets angry.

2:34 PM  
Blogger Cleopatrina said...

not necessarily, however we do tend to dramatize since the problem usually touches a much bigger and so called" united" sector of victims since we do share more in common than just land.It probably is how humans are,if two family members are caught up in a quarrel and some stranger butts into their business uninvited, further more expressing bias,both parties would share a unanimous dismay and rejection rendering them even more impetuous in their reactions, yet secretly bearing a sense of gratitute for their transient unity of cause

12:00 PM  
Blogger jokerman said...

To compare nations at war with humans or families really does not work. The tendency to simplify international disputes and to compare it to family disputes only makes your perception wander off to another irrelevant argument, Both cases cannot be compared together. what you are saying is, those who are related can slaughter eachother as much as they like, it is basically a family feud, but if someone else causes the slightest damage, it is an unforgivable act. So the point is not about what is right or lawful, it is who does the deed, if hes family then it's fairly ok, if not, then hell to pay.
It's a primitive way to adopt in our present times.

2:53 PM  
Blogger Cleopatrina said...

jokerman.Its strange a person of ur insight may fail to perceive the deeper point behind the example i was giving.Comparing family feuds to political status is not by any means off point, on the contrary, it depicts a microcosm, a detailed and vivid one.We are all Homo Sapiens in the end,those governed by mind and sentiment, neither of which would be capable of working separately.Thus those who call the shots in the sea of dirty politics and in turn breed antagonism and hate in the hearts of their alleged people act according to their human side which bears a constellation of both good and bad, and not merely to rightful laws printed in the "behind the scenes" history.
However giving that family simile was to give an explanation to the lingering questions of fidelity vs.infidelity in the arab world according to the laws of human pschology,but never and i repeat NEVER to justify the horrid greed and antagonism that is hinted every now and then(which again may be portrayed on a more personal level..starting with my own family if i were to scrutinize each and every member).
Goin back to the basics, Wrong-doings are wrong and that goes for everybody regardless of who are what or where he is, and they will be brought to justice and i never said passively,"the chaos of the world does have an underlying order"

8:01 AM  
Blogger jokerman said...

Look, You seem to be concerned with something else, but what you used is simply wrong.
You cannot Compare families to Nations no matter how fancy words you adorn your theory.
& NO, i cannot see it as a microcsom to say the least. This is usually an amateurish attempt those who cannot comprehend big events, or analyse complex situations or want to distort something to fit their goals, so they tend to explain matters through their limited thinking by applying this family example, it does not work.
Duties & responsbilities to rule a nation or country is far more complex than that of a family.
What do you mean exactly by saying "brought to justice"?

& anyway, who said the world is chaotic?

1:27 PM  
Blogger Cleopatrina said...

looolling frantically
i totally comprehend ur rage.U actually do have a point however feebley u may try to support it.As an arab i have been through several phases of dismay,rage, mending broken pride, fighting against myself, my governments' greed,and above all the filthy trivial "false pride" we arabs bear for one another..lets face it, we blame it all on the governments instead of our own selves for being the bastards we are.i.e we suck bigtime.all we do is talk and feel and condemn and hate and hate.We even lost all connection with the core of our real faith including our manners in speech as set an example by yourself in preferring to just scrutinize and attack someone for simply trying to imply that like it or not we still are family regardless of our preposterous differences.if ud rather hear the truth plain and simple we are impotent and idle.All we could afford now is to comfort one another with the rest of the faith we cling to cuz every other attempt of helping one another was met by failure and treason.

3:42 AM  
Blogger Cleopatrina said...

brought to justice means that God will reward u for loving ppl as u would do urself and for giving and taking action, will punish u if u dont..will punish the oppressors non God fearing inhumane bastards into the depth of the hell pits.
Gods justice is no matter of questioning and it is far beyond some nobody like me to elaborate,,its way beyond my wildest comprehension

3:47 AM  
Blogger jokerman said...

The plain truth is not as you had put it, that is merely part of it. But the solution does not lie in clinging to the faith & that does not mean abandoning it either.
If people were really religious as they claim to be, there wouldnt be half the problems they complain of, but the matter of fact is, people dont know their faith & yet they talk non stop about it.
I can sense a heavy religious zeal in your tone when you talk about God, when you say "God will reward u for loving ppl as u would do urself and for giving and taking action" what does ppl mean in your dictionary? a certain group of ppl or humans in general regardless of their faith?
I wasnt really questioning the Divine justice, & it's good you realise you cannot comprehend it, many think they already know who is going there & who isnt.

2:00 AM  
Blogger Cleopatrina said...

first of all people=everyone with a heart and soul.Faith expresses no antigen whatsoever, only God knows what lies inside the heart.We should show compassion and love to every creature on this planet,since we are all life.
Action is the core of our faith.Sadly i was too caught up with my own despair to reveal how a real believer should behave.I appologise, and hope u accept my appology for setting the weak example i have.Since we are all mortals we might as well live die fighting for for whats right than live passively in the shadow of guilt.

7:56 AM  

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